How Much Can I Make?

According to the International Coaching Federation, ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2015, wellness coaching took the biggest jump from last year’s survey when it was listed at #17 and has been in the top 20 since 2010."

Worldwide, coaches’ charge anywhere from $65 to $500 an hour. According to the National Coaching Federation.

• The charge for a (six week) Leaner Healthier Teen class is $300. We recommend a maximum (per teacher) of 6 in a class, which is $1800 for 2 hours of work a week! If you have two classes a week, then the revenue increases to $3600, and three classes (which is still only 6 hours of work a week) is $5400.00. There is no limit to what you can make, if you have the passion and desire to succeed!

• This is not even including a FAMILY program charge which can range from $500 to $1500 per 6 to 12 week course. We suggest you look at the numbers in your area and adjust accordingly. With these numbers in mind our coaches can make anywhere for $50,000 to $140,000 per year and more. With so many people overweight around the world, the sky is (sad by) truly the limit.

• One on One coaching and family classes can also be per hour, or in four to six week segments from $300 on the low end, to $600 or $1000 on the higher end.

• Additional income can be made with our employer wellness program and our Leaner Healthier Today grocery store tours and much more!

The opportunities for income is endless, whether you’re just opening you’re coaching business OR, just adding the LHT modality. By following our 10 step marketing formula included in your training, you’ll know exactly step-by-step how to launch and run the program. It’s up to you, with these tools, we’ll to take you wherever you want to sour.

                                               Leaner, Healthier Today- "Live a Leaner, Longer Life!"©

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