Why Become an LHT Coach


Childhood Obesity

Teens that are overweight will transform into more than 36% by 2017.

Latino and African American populations are growing rapidly and they are the highest in obesity.

Asia’s children have the highest cholesterol in the world and teen obesity is seen as one of the top health crisis

Europe’s Childhood obesity has tripled over the last decade.

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Health coaches are at the forefront of an influential shift in the medical community. With 1-3 adults and children overweight or obese the system is simply over loaded and needs help. Physicians are now hiring coaches to help assist them in helping teach their clients how to adapt a healthier lifestyle. Coaches can help teach individuals and families how to shop and cook healthier and buy local fresh food. A Doctor or healthcare professional does not have the time to do that, nor can they visit a client’s home like a coach can. The consensus with all of the experts is that they need HELP and cannot do it all!  

Consumer healthcare is a $502 billion market that will GROW to $737 billion over the next 5 years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the number of jobs for health and wellness coaches to increase 21% in the next seven years, “the fastest growing source of employment in the economy.”

As health care costs continue to surge, more corporations are beginning to hire health coaches to establish workplace wellness programs for employees. In fact, according to the Huffington Post, 51% of all employers with a workforce of fifty or more employees created workplace wellness programs in 2013. 

Workplace wellness is estimated to be a $6 billion industry!

1 in 10 people have diabetes and if current trend continues 1 in 3 will have it by 2050! 

A Healthy Lifestyle COACH may be our ONLY HOPE! 


                                               Leaner, Healthier Today- "Live a Leaner, Longer Life!"©

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